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Announcement for Sylvie Symens’ show A la Porte des 3 Sens – Thursday, October 3 at 7pm
Convido-vos a participar num programa especial com Sylvie Symens, esta quinta-feira, 3 de outubro, às 19h00, na plataforma Break4Movie.
Já alguma vez sentiste que não pertencias a nada, uma sensação de perda de identidade ou de já não saberes quem és?
Have you experienced a feeling of not belonging, whether within a group or your own family?
These sensations, often deep and unsettling, can be linked to ancestral stories, but not only.
They’re also connected to your family tree, your birth and what you’re experiencing today.
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I warmly invite you to listen to this program.
Together, we’ll try to understand the origins of these feelings and discover keys to apprehending them.
This will be an opportunity to explore these feelings and open up new perspectives to better understand them.
Join us this Thursday at 7pm for a program that may well enlighten you and provide some answers!