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À porta dos 3 sentidos 03/10

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📢Announcement for Sylvie Symens’ show A la Porte des 3 Sens – Thursday, October 3 at 7pm⏰

Convido-vos a participar num programa especial com Sylvie Symens, esta quinta-feira, 3 de outubro, às 19h00, na plataforma Break4Movie.🎥

Já alguma vez sentiste que não pertencias a nada, uma sensação de perda de identidade ou de já não saberes quem és?😕

Have you experienced a feeling of not belonging, whether within a group or your own family?🫂

These sensations, often deep and unsettling, can be linked to ancestral stories🌳, but not only.

They’re also connected to your family tree, your birth and what you’re experiencing today.🌿

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, I warmly invite you to listen to this program.🎙️

Together, we’ll try to understand the origins of these feelings and discover keys to apprehending them🔑.

This will be an opportunity to explore these feelings and open up new perspectives to better understand them.🌟

📅Join us this Thursday at 7pm for a program that may well enlighten you and provide some answers!💡

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